Monday, November 19, 2007

Broken Arm - Why No Post In More Than A Month

Should a woman my age be skate boarding or beating up men on the softball diamond?

I wish I had a great story for how I broke my arm in three places, like one of the above. Instead, it was more like the beginning of a V.I. Warshawski evening...

It was a cold rainy night that I had spent alone in the office, laboring over files and plans that were due to a client the next day. The wind was howling as I finally closed up shop and headed out into the blistering rain that was coming down in sheets.

The dim parking lot was a precursor to an ominous thing about to happen. Gently sloping to the South, the lot was slick as glass and full of acorns that fat squirrels had already had too much of.

I took a few steps with hands full, a laptop bag dangling over my shoulder and an umbrella wedged between cheek and shoulder, doing no good to protect me from the sideways rain that felt like needle pricks to my exposed skin.

Then boom, I was down before I knew it. The result?

I laid in the emergency room for 4 (yes four) hours unattended with two breaks between wrist and elbow and a fracture of the tip of the elbow.

That was the worst physical pain I've ever endured. Worse than my kidney stone.

At any rate, I'm back, having gotten the cast and the sling off. And just in time for the holidays!!!

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